The Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program, a Fulbright exchange activity sponsored by the U.S. Department of State, brings accomplished professionals from selected developing and emerging countries to the United States for ten months of non-degree study and professional development. Nominated by U.S. Embassies or Fulbright Commissions at a mid-point in their careers, Fellows are selected through competitive review based on their potential for leadership, commitment to public service and professional expertise.
The Humphrey Program was initiated in 1978 to honor the memory and accomplishments of the late Senator and Vice President, Hubert H. Humphrey.
Areas of Selection:
Fellows are selected based on their potential for national leadership and commitment to public service, in either the public or private sector in the following Humphrey fields: Agriculture & rural development; Communication/Journalism; Substance abuse education, treatment & prevention; Economic development; Finance & Banking; Educational administration, planning & policy; HIV/AIDS policy & prevention; Human resource management; Law & human rights; Natural resources, environment policy, & climate change; Public health policy management; Public policy analysis & public administration; Teaching of English as a foreign language; Technology policy & management; Trafficking in persons, policy & prevention; and Urban & regional planning.
An undergraduate (first university or Bachelor's) degree
A minimum of five years of full-time, professional experience
Limited or no prior experience in the United States
Demonstrated leadership qualities
A record of public service in the community
English language ability
Please contact the U.S. Embassy, Public Affairs Section or Binational Fulbright Commission in your country of residence to learn about possible specific program requirements.
In 26 countries, the Humphrey Fellowship Program is administered by a Binational Fulbright Commission. In all other participating countries, the Public Affairs Section of the U.S. Embassy is charged with the operation of the Program.
To find out if citizens of your country/region are eligible to participate in the Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program, click on your region. If your country/region appears on the list, you are eligible to apply click here:
What does the Fellowship provides?
Payment of tuition and fees at the assigned host university;
Pre-academic English language training, if required;
A maintenance (living) allowance, including a one-time settling-in allowance;
Accident and sickness coverage;
A book allowance;
A one-time computer subsidy;
Air travel (international travel to and from the U.S. for the Program and domestic travel to required program events);
A Professional Development allowance for professional activities, such as field trips, professional visits and conferences.
The Program provides a basis for establishing long-lasting productive partnerships and relationships between citizens of the United States and their counterparts in other countries, fostering an exchange of knowledge and mutual understanding throughout the world.
Hosting universities:
Fellows are placed at one of the participating USA universities. Fellows are not able to choose which university they will attend. Rather, they are assigned to the most appropriate host institution based on their area of interest and professional field..Click here
In addition, the program is annually and the deadline for applications submission varies in different countries.
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